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From east or west on I74, exit at the "Bowman Ave./Perrysville Rd." exit. Go south a few feet to the stop sign at the "T". This is Perrysville Rd. Turn left, and go east. After about 5 miles, cross Brewer Rd. (marked "Lee Rd." on the map) at the flashing red light. Ahead the highway curves right, to the south. Follow road due south (marked "RD. 503" on map) about 3 miles to Union Corner. There is a white church ahead and a little to your right. Do not follow highway curve to the left, or east. Make a hard right turn (west) on West Union Road. Do not turn left on the south road. Follow the road for less than 1/4 mile. We are located on the left (south) side of the road.
Highway IN 32, from the east, is marked "CO Rd. 1250 N" on the map below. Follow highway northwest, about 2 miles after crossing the Illinois State Line. Follow curve to right (north) and at the end of it, turn left (west) on West Union Rd. go due west less than 1/4 mile. We are located on the left (south) side of the road.
The white church is on south side of the square formed by the roads and driveway. West Union Rd. is marked on the map as "Perrysville Rd.". Perrysville Rd./IN 32 is marked on the map as "RD 503".
Please Note!: Some roads on these maps are labeled incorrectly.
This page was last updated on: February 26, 2019